Thursday, March 24, 2011

Value of play in your child's life !

Albert Eisenstein once said "Play is the highest form of research.".
However in today's world play means playing video games, computers, PSP and play station. When two kids discuss amongst themselves about playing cricket , there are chances that discussions about online EA cricket challenge. Being up with technology is good and you need to keep your kids abreast with latest trends but it should not be at the sake of health.
Outdoor play is critical for child's development. It makes them energetic, imaginative and immune. Playing with friends in person (not virtually) increases interactive skills and helps to develop social networking skills(offline :p).

Your kid is a energy reservoir and the potential energy needs to be channelized  in way that the there is all round development . I am sure you don't want that your kid only exercises his fingers while straining his eyes. He needs to run in fresh air, jump, puddle in rain water, hop on swings and fall from them to develop fully.

One more disadvantage with digital play is exposure to violence and adult content. games like GTA, WWE etc. do more harm that good. We need to be sensitive about their health . After all we don't want to gift our children specs instead of  goggles. I will rather provide him with glucose, when he falls while playing outdoor, than giving him glucose as he was not able to develop immunity and caught some severe illness.

W should not rob our kids of the fun and opportunities that come with outdoor world. Let's go out and play should be your mantra so that you see your kid growing not because of supplements but as as result of just play !

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